Not a single innovative idea to jugle with. All current projects I have taken upon myself are coming to an end now and I know... that if I will not find something to keep my mind busy with, something will find me.
Creepy as it sounds, it can also be of good of course, but a control freak like me will not let the chances to just happen. They need "directions"...
So I decided to see the future:
I closed my eyes and took a tour inside my mind.
Nada, nothing, empty. Wait, I see something, let me get closer, and closer... wow, there is something in there I see trees, a nice and causy grove of Mediterranean trees, some boles are laid in an un-organaized manner on the ground, providing a quiet place to just sit and relax.
As I move forward in this grove I hear a silent sound of running water. I look around and find a small path shaded with leafs leading me to a stream.
Oh my god !
This is exactly it: Quiet, full with nature, water, stream, growth, my perfect get away place with lots of imagination build in. I just have to sit and absorb. I'm sure that some great ideas will come up.......
And if not, I may have to really find this place and just live in it.
Life - Just live it