Sunday, August 15, 2010

Camping on hot Israeli summer

So my family and I decided to go camping for the first time in our lives as a family.
Immediately as this decision was taken I went to look for a tent. Do I know anyone who may have one that is big enough for all 5 of us? It is best not to buy it for the first time, cause what if we do not like it???
SO after a lot of looking with no one to lend us a solution, we bought a tent. Not the cheapest one of course - if it is our tent then we should live in style.
My husband should not work very hard to build it, he only has to open it like a huge ambrella.
Next step is to find a location.
On Israeli summer - nothing else but the sea shore. Humidity is high, but cool water just two steps from our door.
Date? well, we decided to go last week, however, it was too hot outside.
Will this break us??? NOT at all!!
Kids were waiting to sleep in a tent.... so we stayed home, turned on our AC and opened the tent. Kids slept 2 days in a tent in the living room.
I think our camping trip was a success. Don't you?

Anyway, a week after we did go out, photos attached. (Press the headline)
Enjoy - like we did!

Do not think - just do,

1 comment:

  1. שווה להשקיע כל שקל באוהל שנפתח ונסגר "בלחיצת כפתור".
    חוסך דם , יזע ודמעות
